UPDATE: The feedback opportunity is now closed, Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide their thoughts. Your feedback is valuable to us, and will be compiled into a report that will be presented to the Board for review and consideration at their June 19, regular meeting.
View the summary report on the feedback opportunity.
Over the past two years the Board of Trustees has been in discussions to potentially change the name of École Coloniale Estates School after receiving a request from a School Council delegation in November 2022 to change the name of the school in light of our society’s current knowledge and understanding of colonial history in Canada. The delegation believes the name ‘Coloniale’ is a reference to colonialism, which has had a legacy of many harmful policies that directly targeted First Nations and Métis communities, and does not reflect the spirit of diversity and inclusion that the school community represents. The delegation also informed the Board that the School Council had earlier voted unanimously to change the school name before making their presentation.
At their May 29, 2024, Regular Meeting, the Board of Trustees provided a Notice of Motion to discuss/debate and decide on the following Motion at their June 19, 2024, Regular Meeting:
THAT the Board of Trustees approve the renaming process of École Coloniale Estates School and approve the proposed public engagement process for the renaming of the school.
The Black Gold School Division’s reasons for possibly changing the school’s name include:
- The current name is seen as causing unintentional harm to the Indigenous and Métis members of our school community.
- The Board’s stated commitment to creating an inclusive environment that promotes belonging and inclusion, embraces diversity, and is supportive and safe for all students and staff.
- The renaming would be a part of the Division’s commitment to address the Calls to Action outlined by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and would be an act of reconciliation.
Please know that the above is not a judgment statement about the name of the community that the school is located in or any other area of the community that uses the term “coloniale.” The Division is proud of its positive relationships with our ÉCES school families and the wider Beaumont community, and with our continued strong partnership with the City of Beaumont, and the rich, vibrant history of the Franco-Albertan community.
The Board of Trustees believes that it needs to make a decision related to this request, and is providing notice of the discussion to the Beaumont school community. We look forward to building on the above relationships through a school renaming process – if the Board chooses – that celebrates the history of the school and community.
If a decision is made to rename the school, we will engage students, staff and parents in the renaming process.
If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to provide feedback on the Notice of Motion, please submit your comments through this Google Form before 9 a.m. on Monday, June 17, 2024.
The Board of Trustees and Administration are committed to delivering a transparent and fair process as they work towards arriving at a decision.