Black Gold School Division
Student Services is committed to providing high quality, timely, instructional support, and mental health services to schools in order to help children and students with diverse learning needs engage in learning and gain the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in school and life.
For more information regarding supports/services for students, please contact your child’s school. Find your designated school.
Find out more about the types of supports offered to students:
Learning Support – all schools have a Learning Support Teacher who helps coordinate services for students and provides targeted interventions as needed to help address learning delays and/or enrichment.
Counselling Services – all schools have a Counsellor who helps support the development of a Schoolwide Comprehensive Guidance and Counselling Program. Short term Individual and group counselling is also available in most schools.
Wellness Coaches – all schools have designated Wellness Coaches who provide solution-focused counselling services for students (groups, individuals), resources for school staff and families, and support the development of Success in School Plans for children/youth in care.
Leduc and Area Community Violence Threat Risk Assessment and Intervention Protocol (VTRA)– Schools, Communities, Parents and Protective Service working together to protect our children and keep our community safe (see LA VTRA Protocol Revised 2022).
Consultation/Coaching Services – all schools have access to Instructional Consultants and Coaches as needed to help support student learning and development: Psychology, Instruction, Behaviour, Communication, Mobility, Motor Development, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Low Vision/Blindness, Assistive Tools for Learning
Special Needs Programming – is available in all schools and can take on a variety of forms depending on the unique needs of the student.
ESL Programs -Students learn English while also learning about Canadian cultural values, customs and social expectations. The goal of ESL programs is to provide students with planned systematic instruction and support that will enable them to speak the English language fluently, further their education and become productive and contributing members of Albertan and Canadian society. ESL programming is funded for both Canadian-born and foreign-born students.” (, Alberta Education, English as a Second Language, December 8, 2014).
At Black Gold schools, we strive to meet the individual needs of each of our ESL students through collaborative professional support and the implementation of current ESL classroom strategies, continuous monitoring using the Alberta Education ESL Benchmark system, and integration of appropriate educational technology into learning and instruction. ESL programming may vary from school to school. Please contact your school’s Administrator or Learning Support teacher for further information.
Alberta Child Health Benefits (ACHB)
Get free eyeglasses, prescriptions and dental visits for your child 18 years of age and under through the Alberta Child Health Benefit Plan. It helps pay health care bills for families with limited incomes. Knowing your child’s health is cared for will bring peace of mind. Alberta Child Health Benefit Plan
*For more information regarding supports/services for students, please contact your child’s school. Find your designated school.