Black Gold School Division



The Black Gold School Division provides student bus services to:

  • Eligible (students attending their designated school who reside 1 km or more away (K – Gr. 6), or 2 km or more away (Gr. 7-12)); 
  • Ineligible (students attending their designated school who reside 1 km or less away (K – Gr.6), or 2 km or less away (Gr. 7-12)), and 
  • School of Choice students (those attending a school other than their designated school, when available).

The Transportation Department reviews School of Choice availability after September 15.

BusPlanner provides parents and guardians with information about their child’s bus route, as well as designated school information and transportation eligibility.

Note: In order to see the bus information, you must first apply for transportation and create a BusPlanner Parent Portal Account.

For information on bus fees, bus safety, becoming a bus driver and more, please click on the links under the Transportation tab in the Main Menu.

For additional information or assistance with your student bus transportation needs, please contact:

Diane Miles
Transportation Manager
(780) 955-6034

Lindsay Beveridge
Transportation Assistant
(780) 955-6048

Lilli Packard
Transportation Technician
(780) 955-6053