Black Gold School Division
“The school trustee is a model of representative democracy. Constituents elect their representatives as ‘trustees’ (or ‘entrust’ them) for their constituency. These ‘trustees’ have sufficient autonomy to deliberate and act in favor of the greater common good, even if it means going against the short-term interests of their own constituencies.”
–ASBA Powerpoint “About School Boards & Trustees – Grade 6 Local Government
“School boards work with, and are the voice of, parents and public community members, ensuring the best education possible for all children everywhere in Alberta. They care about the needs of children today and for the future. School boards provide important insight into the public education system, ensuring parents’ voices, students’ needs and school community thinking, remain at the forefront of our education system.”
–ASBA (Alberta School Boards Association) website
The Black Gold School Division (BGSD) Trustee Handbook serves as a point of reference and sets the foundation for common understanding about the policies, principles, procedures, and practices related to Board governance and operational oversight at the Division.
This handbook includes expectations and procedures for individual trustees, both as members of the Board of Trustees and as representatives of the communities (wards) that elected them. Trustees are expected to govern themselves accordingly. Annually, the Board evaluates itself against the principles and expectations contained in this handbook to continually improve its governance practices.
The BGSD Trustee Handbook is published on the Division website to foster greater transparency and accountability in relation to the Board’s operations and conduct. Transparency around the role and responsibilities of an elected Board of Trustees and how it is meeting its own standards and expectations leads to improved public confidence.
Mission Statement and Core Values
School Board Roles & Responsibilities
This document is a compendium of information and links derived from the federal and provincial orders of government, and from school boards across the country. We wish to acknowledge and sincerely thank the following:
We have tried to acknowledge all of the sources of information to the best of our ability. If we have unintentionally omitted anyone, please let us know and we will be happy to add it in.