Black Gold School Division
At their regular meeting on January 24, the Board of Trustees approved Administration’s recommendation that the Grades 10-12 High School French Immersion Program remain at Leduc Composite High School (LCHS), and not be relocated to Ohpaho Secondary School (OSS) when it opens this fall.
In preparing the 2024 staff assignments for LCHS and OSS, Administration noted that the projected enrolment numbers, presented in the approved Leduc Boundary and Grade Configuration document, were not consistent with current enrolment data.
To address this inconsistency, Administration conducted a review of the 2024 enrolment numbers, cross-referencing data from the student information system and student transportation. The findings from this review suggested that a modification to the initially approved configuration for OSS and LCHS was necessary to enhance utilization rates at both schools.
Keeping the French Immersion program at LCHS will create parity in the utilization rates ensuring space for future enrolment growth at both schools.
At their Special Board Meeting on November 3, 2023, the Black Gold School Division’s Board of Trustees voted to approve the Administration’s recommendations for boundary and grade configurations for its schools in Leduc (excluding *Covenant Christian School and the Leduc Outreach School), as presented.
The above takes into account feedback gathered through the public engagement opportunities (two surveys and an open house), along with detailed discussions with key stakeholders. The Division, where possible, has worked to address parent concerns and incorporate the community’s suggestions in its decision-making process.
See the infographic below for more information on how students will transition from elementary to junior high to high schools.
Grade Configurations:
Next Steps:
We thank all families for their patience and understanding during this complex reconfiguration process. The approved recommendations strike a balanced approach to viable enrolments at all schools and minimize disruptions to students and families while providing continuing quality programming for all students through equitable school utilization. They also provide a measure of stability for Leduc schools for the foreseeable future.
For detailed information on the approved changes, please refer to the 2023 Leduc Schools Boundary and Grade Configuration Review Recommendation Report.
On February 22, 2023, the Board of Trustees passed a Notice of Motion, based on Board Policy 15 – Appendix: School Reconfiguration, to begin a reconfiguration process – inclusive of public consultation – on the proposed school boundary and grade configuration review for schools within Leduc (excluding Covenant Christian School and the Leduc Outreach School).
With the anticipated opening in September 2024 of Ohpaho Secondary School – with an opening capacity of 1,100 students – there is a need to establish attendance boundaries and grade configuration for the new school, and conduct a review of the impact of these additional student spaces on other Leduc schools as the community is growing at a significant rate.
Over the last two years, East Elementary School, Caledonia Park School, Leduc Composite High School, Ecole Leduc Junior High School, and West Haven Public School have experienced their highest enrolments, leading to very high utilization rates. In fact, four of our nine schools in Leduc are above the 100 percent utilization rate (see map below), which creates an urgent need for extra student spaces across the community.
The Division’s overall goals are to ensure continued quality programming for all students through equitable school utilization. In addition, we’re seeking to:
To address the above concerns, the Division contracted the services of Edmonton Public Schools Planning Consultancy to submit the Leduc Student Attendance Area Study, which was presented to the Board on February 22.
The study’s goals include proposing attendance area options for Ohpaho Secondary School, and reviewing Leduc school boundaries (excluding Covenant Christian School and Leduc Outreach School) to accommodate as many students as close to home as possible.
This comprehensive study provides a number of concepts to help address the capacity challenges, which will be further investigated through a public engagement process. It is through this public engagement process that a final recommendation will be generated and presented to the Board for consideration this fall.
The next steps in this review process involve Administration forming working and advisory committees to review the concepts as presented by the consultants, and to develop and implement a multi-phased public engagement process.
Over the coming months, Leduc school communities will be provided opportunities to review and provide feedback on the various boundary and grade configuration proposals. More information and updates on this project, including timelines for public engagement opportunities, will be provided in the coming weeks.