Black Gold School Division


Successful Qualities

Qualities of a Successful Trustee

Prepared to put students first…

Successful school trustees put the needs of students first. They run for office because they are committed to making things better for Alberta’s children.

An effective communicator…

School trustees ensure that the wishes of the whole community are reflected in the management and operation of the Division’s schools. Trustees must be willing to ask the community what it needs and wants from its schools. Trustees must strive to inform the community about the school board’s plans and decisions.

A team player…

A school trustee, acting individually, does not have the authority to make decisions. Only the school board, in public session, has the power to make decisions. While an interest in a particular school or issue may prompt you to seek office, as a school trustee, you are responsible for all schools in the jurisdiction. There is no room for personal agendas in effective school board service.

Not necessarily an “education expert”…

You don’t have to be an “education expert” to serve as a school trustee. The ideal school board includes people from all walks of life. The school trustee does not serve as a professional educator or as the spokesperson for a particular Interest group or region. The effective school trustee considers the wishes of all parents, students and community members.