Black Gold School Division


  • Trustee Advocacy at the ASBA Zone 2/3 MLA Reception

    Posted on    Posted in BGSD, Black Gold School Division, Board, Featured, General, New Schools / Modernizations

    (L-R) Trustee Gary Hansen, Leduc-Beaumont MLA Brandon Lunty, Superintendent Michael Borgfjord, Trustee Barb Martinson, and Board Chair Esther Eckert.

    Board Chair Esther Eckert, and trustees Barb Martinson, Devonna Klaassen and Gary Hansen, along with Superintendent of Schools/CEO Michael Borgfjord and Associate Superintendent Chelsey Volkman, attended the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) MLA reception on May 8, 2024, in Edmonton to meet provincial officials and discuss the challenges facing the Black Gold School Division.

    ASBA is a non-profit, province-wide association that supports and advocates for Alberta’s 61 locally-elected public, separate and francophone school boards. This event was targeted to the 29 member boards of ASBA Zone 2/3.

    (L-R): Associate Superintendent Chelsey Volkman, Superintendent Michael Borgfjord, and Trustee Barb Martinson with Premier Danielle Smith.

    “Chatting with the MLAs, cabinet ministers and Premier Smith in an informal setting provided us with an opportunity to share with them first-hand our appreciation for the construction of Ohpaho Secondary School, the recent funding of the modernization at Ecole Corinthia Park School, and to once again remind them of the dire need for a new high school in Beaumont,” said Board Chair Esther Eckert.

    Superintendent Borgfjord discussing the issues and challenges facing schools in Beaumont and Leduc with MLA Lunty.

    “We also advocated to the provincial officials about the overcrowding and overcapacity issues in our schools, classroom complexity, and the issue of cross-ministry collaboration related to addressing the mental health of students and staff,” said Trustee Hanson.

    “Other concerns we expressed to the ministers and MLAs included the need for additional funding for internet services for our schools, hiring support staff, and bus transportation,” said Trustee Martinson.

    Trustee Devonna Klaassen with NDP MLA Kyle Kasawski – Sherwood park.

    “The event was an opportunity to connect with a number of local MLAs and share our unique local context,” said Trustee Klaassen, who attended in her role as an ASBA Director representing Zone 2/3. “It was an opportunity to educate, ask questions, plant seeds, and pose solutions for consideration. It was a great balance of serious intentional conversation with relationship building and laughter.”

    “We value our relationships with our provincial partners and working together to provide great learning environments for our students and families,” said Superintendent of Schools Michael Borgfjord.

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