Black Gold School Division


  • 2023 Inspiring Success Award Nominee: Carolyn Anderson

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    The nominees for this year’s Inspiring Success Award of Distinction include École Leduc Junior High School (ÉLJHS) Language Arts Department Head, Carolyn Anderson.

    Carolyn has dedicated her life and career to being a life-long learner. She is constantly changing and altering her lessons to suit the needs of her students. She is a creative Language Arts genius and students are always engaged in interactive activities in her room.

    As the Literacy Support Teacher, Carolyn is tasked with coordinating Language Arts instruction in school, and presenting new materials to staff, all with the goal of supporting increased learning in Language Arts at ÉLJHS. Carolyn works with all of our Language Arts teachers and she also provides strategies for all teaching staff on how to improve literacy across all subject areas.

    “Carolyn is one of the most passionate individuals I have ever met; she is extremely passionate about learning, teaching and, specifically, Language Arts. Carolyn is continuously reading, researching, and gathering engaging material for not only her students but for her colleagues to use as well,” said one of the nominators, Corinne Jensen. “She is passionate about the content, but even more passionate about her students and their wellbeing. Carolyn makes every student feel welcome and fosters meaningful connections with her students.”

    Carolyn has spent countless PD days leading sessions in BGSD, collaborating with colleagues and creating material that many in the division use. Numerous Junior High Language Arts lessons that are found on Black Gold’s Engaging Students webpage, are units that Carolyn has either created or contributed on. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to her colleagues, and her positive energy is incredibly infectious.

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