Black Gold School Division


  • Your Voice Matters: Complete the Accountability Pillar Survey

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    This month, parents and guardians of BGRD students may receive a package from Alberta Education containing the Accountability Pillar survey. Every year at this time, this important survey is sent to the households of students in grades 4, 7, and 10. By filling it out, you can add your voice to the future of education in your child’s school, in Black Gold Regional Division No. 18, and across Alberta.

    The Accountability Pillar survey will ask you questions about your experience with your child’s school. For example, you may be asked to rate your satisfaction with the quality of education your child is receiving, the school environment, and safety within the school. When filling out the survey, if you don’t know the answer to a question, simply leave it blank and go to the next question.

    Students and teachers will also fill out the survey. All responses are anonymous. The results are compiled by Alberta Education and shared with BGRD to assess satisfaction with the quality of education in its schools and to find ways to improve teaching and learning for all our children. See our info sheet below for more details.

    You may fill out the survey online or using the paper copy provided in the package you receive. All responses must be completed online or sent in by February 22, 2019.

    Thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey – your voice matters.

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